When we hear the word “recycling”, we usually imagine dropping a plastic water bottle into the blue bin or something of that nature. We rarely think of repairing a valuable instrument that can bring joy and comfort to someone in need. Whether it is an institution such as Ronald McDonald house or an individual who has fallen on hard times and needs a little uplift, Curly’s Guitar Angels have made it their mission to provide a balm for the soul while keeping instruments out of the trash heap.
Curly’s Guitar Angels is actually the brainchild of two local musicians, Mitch Rice and Angelo Metz. Rice and Metz, with the encouragement of their friend Howard Schwartz aka “Curly”, began to refurbish guitars during the early days of the pandemic. Once they were ready for “sale” it was decided to just pass them on to folks in need. Thus far they have donated over 30 instruments to numerous non-profit organizations and individuals. Learn more on their FaceBook page Curly’s Guitar Angels.
All you need is love…and a little skill to give this Les Paul a new life.