This Sunday, Cinco de Mayo, from 9 am to 1 pm, join the UC/CE LA County Master Gardeners at the Green Tent and get ready for summer harvests of the following free seedlings grown just for this market (don’t forget to pick up some free seeds, too!):
Italian Basil — perfect for your Pizza Margherita when paired with tomatoes
Strawberries Just drizzle some balsamic vinegar over them
Pole Beans You need to support these green beans with a trellis, a cage or string and sticks
Marigolds These will help ward off the nematodes from your tomatoes
Lettuce Salad!
Sunflowers Beauty!!
Cucumbers DIY Pickles!
Zinnias More beauty!
Succulents Drought tolerant
Bring your leftover “six packs” to the MG booth so they can reuse them for next month’s planting.