In this video, MG Julie Strnad shows you what the UC Master Gardeners of LA County will be giving away FREE on Sunday, July 7 at the Green Tent from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. while supplies last! You can also pick up two free packets of seeds.
This month they’re bringing (and GREW for you!):
Container Zucchini— they’re smaller and easier to maintain .
Arugula to spice up your salad greens
Japanese cucumbers, long and lean!
Microgreens, aka cut and come again
Succulents, a perennial SoCal favorite
Basil for that summer tomato salad or pizza
Green beans because Green beans!
Lemon basil
Baby Spaghetti squash, great substitute for pasta
Baby Spaghetti squash
Don’t forget to bring your empty six packs so they can grow more for you next month. And for tips on what to do in July, check this out.