Master Gardener Julie Strnad shows you what’s coming to the Mar Vista Farmers Market.
Start your new month right! The LA County Master Gardeners will be at the Green Tent on the first Sunday, which is September 1, from 9 am to 1 pm. Pick up a free plant and some free seeds to help get a head start on your autumn veggie garden.
There are also the fall favorites, baby chard and baby kale.
Arugula because you’ll still be making salad.
And it’s time to bring out the brassicas: Brussels Sprouts (baby cabbages!) and Cauliflower.
As ever, there’ll be succulents for the drought-minded.
And last but not least: Why not grow your own green beans for that Thanksgiving casserole?
They’re bringing pole beans, already started for you; you bring the trellis.
Don’t forget to recycle your six packs so next month, they’ll be able to grow more plants for you.